Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I hope that this letter finds you well. Here let me send you, please, some information:
- A new Franz Brentano Webpage is ready at the link
in order to facilitate communication. That will offer publicly accessible content and a private portal for researchers to share and comment on work in progress.
- At the same time we have made the decision to start and launch a journal of Brentano Studies and the Aristotelian Tradition.
The format is going to be online, a non-profit and electronic publishing venture, Open Access.
It does not charge readers or their institutions for access, it does not charge authors for the submission and publications of their contributions, and the reviewers co-operate on a voluntary basis. All users have the right to “read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles” but the acknowledgement and quotation of authors and papers are mandatory: Brentano Studies and the Aristotelian Tradition allows third parties to download its works as long as it is credited as the source, but these articles cannot be changed in any way or used commercially (CC BY-NC-ND).
Our Ethic Statements are based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
The contributions are submitted to double-blind peer review quality control.
We will publish biannually.
The languages of the Journal should be: English, German, French, Italian
The administrative structure of the journal should be as follows:
Editor-in- chief Antonio Russo (University of Trieste, Italy)
Co-Editor Antonio Marturano (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Editorial Board
Angela Ales Bello, Mauro Ceruti, Joshua Furnal, Nicoletta Ghigi, Marcello Zanatta,
International Scientific Advisory Board
John Goldsmith, Mikhail Khorkov, Carlo Ierna, Gregor Nickel, Ivanka Raynova, Wilhelm Vossenkuhl, Ian Woleński, Johannes Zachhuber, Jure Zovko, Ghil‘ad Zuckermann
Editorial assistant
Giovanna Giurlanda (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Raffaella Sabra Palmisano (University of Lecce)
The journal is addressed to scholars, students, teachers, cultural centres, universities and libraries.
- Main purposes:
- the intention to investigate the essential theoretical and historical traits that undergird the framework of Franz Brentano’s (1838-1917) project of renewing Thomism through a new understanding of Aristotle.
- To discuss and clarify the central issues regarding his determination of the most fundamental principles of Ethics. It is important to raise these questions with regard to his Moral Philosophy, because it is clear that no suffìcient attention has been given to Brentano’s theory concerning the nature of good and right.
- To discuss Brentano’s intention of the necessity of advancing the renewal of philosophy and theology beyond Saint Thomas and his School. More precisely, Brentano argued that some parts of Aquinas’ thought remained almost unelaborated. That was true especially “for the part pertaining the principles of knowledge, which had been already treated by Aristotle in Book IV of Metaphysics; even more in modern times this has become the main ground of philosophical discussions or, to use a modern expression, of the transcendental part of metaphysics.” Thomism, instead, became the shadow of a great name. All of this entailed, for Brentano, the necessity to extract some fundamental propositions and let them bear their fruits in a context very different from the Medieval one, a context rife with incredulity and scepticism, as well as a conspicuous advancement of natural sciences.
- Investigating to what extent Brentano has influenced Analytical Philosophy: while Brentano’s famous notion of intentionality is a widely studied subject in Analytical Philosophy, it is indeed not fully understood how deeply Brentano and his school impacted Analytical Philosophy, especially in philosophy of logic and language, linguistic and metaethics. These fields are in fact at the core of Analytical Philosophy. Finally, as Dummett suggested, would Brentano’s studies be bridging among the most important contemporary schools of philosophy?
- Furthermore, to avoid misunderstanding, we would like to specify this by subject matter, rather than by authors. The main intention is “to combine a longue duréeapproach – focusing on the long-term evolution of philosophical concepts rather than restricting itself only to a specific author– with systematic analysis in the history of philosophy. By studying Brentano and the Aristotelian authors with theoretical sensitivity, it also aims to contribute to our understanding of the Contemporary aristotelian Tradition”.
- Looking forward to receiving your feedback and suggestions, let me offer my regards and all the best for the New Year
Antonio Russo